Odd Girl
“Dylan, a popular and charismatic high school student, finds his perfect existence suddenly compromised by the unwelcome attentions of lonely outcast, Belinda. Much to Dylan's disappointment, his best friend, Mindi, takes pity and invites her into their inner circle. As Mindi and Belinda grow closer, Belinda lights up with new-found confidence while Mindi becomes cold and reclusive, distancing herself from Dylan and his friends. As this increasingly abnormal behaviour becomes intertwined with eerie supernatural forces, Dylan is compelled to dig deeper into Belinda's true character, but what he discovers next is something more menacing than he ever imagined.”
Written & Directed by: Rami Kahlon
Produced by: Andy Wong
Director of Photography: Farhad Ghaderi
Sound Design: Justin Aucoin
Edited by: Gloria Mercer
Original Music by: Ben Euerby
Production Designer: Tawni Botelho
Costumes: Milena Krondl
Key Hair & Makeup: Terra Boreen
Location Sound: Alex Shamku
Casting Director: Matreya Scarrwener
Dylan – Taylor Kare
Belinda – Kayla Janelle Tellier
Mindi – Parmiss Sehat
World Premiere at the Vancouver Asian Film Festival 2019, Rhode Island International Film Festival, Pasadena International Film Festival 2020, Coalition of South Asian Film Festivals 2020, HorrorHound Weekend Film Festival 2020, Die Laughing Film Festival 2020
Winner - Best Screenplay - Rhode Island International Film Festival 2020 & Southampton International Film Festival
Winner - Best Thriller - Die Laughing Film Festival 2020
Runner-Up - Best First-Time Filmmaker - HorrorHound Weekend Film Festival 2020
Nominee – Minerva Award (Visionary Female) - FilmQuest 2020
Nominee – Best Supporting Actress – FilmQuest 2020